Teaching through Writing: Session 4 of 4

Hosted by: 
Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing
April 15, 2024 | 11:00am to 12:00pm

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) is offering a 4-week online seminar on the teaching of writing. Participants who sign up for this seminar will take an idea for a writing project in a course and identify the unique needs of their student populations. By the end of this seminar, participants will have designed (or redesigned) a scaffolded writing assignment for their course.

The seminar this summer will be dividing its work online over 4 online interactive sessions preceded by brief online activities: before the weeks of March 18, March 25, April 8th, and April 15th, the WAC team will share informational resources and core tasks to help participants work on developing a writing-intensive assignment and related activities. Then, in interactive Zoom meetings on the following Mondays (March 18, March 25, April 8th, April 15th), from 11 AM--12 PM, participants will have an opportunity to develop their ideas with the WAC team and fellow participants from across the curriculum. After, from 12-12:30 PM, participants will have the option to work on their assignments and/or workshop them with the WAC team and other participants.

Furthermore, participants will have other ongoing opportunities to get feedback from the WAC team and their colleagues as they develop their assignment. 

You may register here.

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